
Weber-akrilo-silikono plonasluoksnis tinkas TD325

gamintojas: Weber - Maxit

kategorija: WEBER - statybinės cheminės medžiagos

Produkto Nr.: 24178

Užsakyto numerio kartotinis: 1 Įdėti į krepšelį

Pridėti į mainų sritį Klauskite produkto Praneškite apie klaidą apraše Įsigyti išsimokėtinai galima nuo 100 PLN produkto vertės arba viso užsakymo. Lizingą galima įsigyti nuo 369 PLN produkto vertės

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1.00 paketas
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1.00 paketas

Produkto aprašymas

Exterior wall protection, colored, interior and exterior wall finishing, finishing layer in the Weber SD010 comprehensive insulation system. Weber TD325 acrylic-silicone plaster can be laid on insulation systems based on insulation from foamed polystyrene boards, while the full cooperation of all elements in the system is obtained using Weber products listed in Technical Approval ITB AT 15-3062 / 2007. Weber TD325 can also be used on cement plasters and putty, cement-lime plasters, plasters and gypsum putty, plasters based on organic resins, concrete elements, a layer of putty glue with embedded reinforcing glass fabric. It is not recommended to apply the plaster on unprotected against precipitation, horizontal or inclined surfaces.

Technical data:
- plaster based on water dispersion of acrylic resin with the addition of silicone resin,
- in the form of a paste, ready to use,
- permanent
- resistant to exhaust gases and chemical air pollution,
- increased flexibility,
- possibility of application at low temperatures (after using the weber binding accelerator PC251),
- very low surface absorption,
- can be washed with water,
- very good adhesion to various substrates,
- ease of application,
- low sensitivity to atmospheric conditions during binding,
- volumetric weight: 1.6 - 1.8 g / cm3,
- setting time for plaster approximately 48 hours,
- adhesion> 0.2 N / mm,
- diffusion resistance coefficient μ = 110,
- open drying time: about 20 minutes,
- consumption (kg / m2)
"Lamb" 1.5 mm - 2.5 - 3.0
"Lamb" 2.0 mm - 3.5 - 4.0
"Bark beetle" 1.5 mm - 2.5 - 2.8
"Bark beetle" 2.0 mm - 2.8 - 3.0
- available in 248 colors according to the Weber Color Spectrum,
- packaging: 30 kg,
- quantity on the pallet 480 kg,
- the manufacturer has the required documents for use.