
Atlas - GTA super baltas polimero sluoksnis

gamintojas: Atlas

kategorija: ATLAS - statybinė chemija

Produkto Nr.: 34372

Užsakyto numerio kartotinis: 1 Įdėti į krepšelį

Pridėti į mainų sritį Klauskite produkto Praneškite apie klaidą apraše Įsigyti išsimokėtinai galima nuo 100 PLN produkto vertės arba viso užsakymo. Lizingą galima įsigyti nuo 369 PLN produkto vertės

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Produkto aprašymas

Mass based on resin binders, mineral fillers and modifying additives, having the optimal consistency for application and profiling.


  • perfectly white, perfectly smooth - selected snow-white mineral fillers with optimal grain size allow to obtain a very smooth surface without corrections
  • quick application with a roller - unique consistency and extended open time allow for comfortable application with a roller in a short time
  • durable and flexible - flexible polymer bonds ensure high adhesion and resistance to cracking of putty surfaces
  • all levels of gypsum putty: PSG1 (Q1), PSG2 (Q2), PSG3 (Q3), PSG4 (Q4); for pointing plasterboards with the use of reinforcing tapes and full-surface filler
  • safe "wet on wet" application - shorten lead time and minimal risk of blistering
  • optimal consistency for application and profiling - specially selected rheological parameters allow for easy application with a trowel, roller and aggregate
  • for manual and mechanical grinding
  • "wet" processing - wet smoothing allows to obtain a smooth surface without dusting, allows for quick and clean renovation works


  • plastering - on the surface of walls and ceiling in, inside the building
  • full-surface filling of plasterboards
  • jointing plasterboards with the use of tape
  • type of finishing layers: paint coatings, wallpapers
  • Substrate type: concrete, cement, cement-lime plasters, gypsum plasters, gypsum boards
  • types of object in: housing construction; public utility, educational, office and healthcare facilities; commercial and service construction

Technical data

  • maximum thickness of one layer 3 mm
  • mass preparation temperature, substrate and ambient temperature during work from +5 C to +25 C
  • humidity in the room during work up to 70%
  • drying time approx. 6 h (1 mm thick layer, temperature +20 C, humidity 55%)
  • reaction to fire A1
  • adhesion 0.3 MPa
  • bending strength 350 N *
  • average consumption: when applying finish coat, approx. 1 kg of mass per 1 m2 per one coat (depending on the thickness applied and the quality of the substrate); 0.5 kg per 1 linear meter of plasterboard jointing (depending on the thickness and shape as well as the method of profiling plasterboard edges)
  • product b meets the requirements of PN-EN 15824: 2017-07 and PN-EN 13963: 2008
  • 18 kg package

* the given value applies when Atlas GTA is used together with Q FolaTapes connecting tape (Technical Approval AT-15-9467 / 2015)
