Xplo - apsauginis sluoksnis iš cinkuoto plieno lakšto - cilindriniai paviršiai
kaina pagal užklausimą
kainoraščio kaina
vieneto grynasis
39.29EUR už m2
reklaminė kaina
vieneto grynasis
35.68EUR už m2
minimalus komercinis
produkto kiekis
1.00 m2
visos kainos
grynasis kainoraštis
už 1.00 m2
visos kainos
reklaminis tinklas
už 1.00 m2
kainoraščio kaina
bruto vienetas 48.33EUR
už m2
reklaminė kaina
bruto vienetas
už m2
minimalus komercinis
produkto kiekis
1.00 m2
visos kainos
kainoraštis bruto
už 1.00 m2
visos kainos
reklaminė bruto
už 1.00 m2
Produkto aprašymas
Protective coats made of galvanized steel sheet are used to protect the proper insulation made of mineral wool, polyurethane, synthetic rubber, polyethylene and other insulation materials used in thermal insulation against mechanical damage and destructive effects of moisture and UV radiation. Protective coats in this case, also tin, have the aesthetic qualities of the installation. For indoor and outdoor use. The cover made of galvanized steel sheet for cylindrical surfaces is intended for insulation, among others ventilation duct, tank in, boiler, turbines, others with circular cross-section.
Technical data
- rolling diameter - in mm
- grooving around the perimeter of the surface,
- cylindrical surface made of galvanized steel sheet, thickness 0.5 or 0.75 mm, overlapped,
- When ordering, please indicate the rolling diameter in mm in the comments tab.
- The product is available only as a service.
- The product is made to order, delivery date confirmed individually.
- In case of:
- large orders price determined individually,
- possible price reduction when using thinner sheet metal, "cylindrical surface" from another thickness metal sheet indicated by the ordering party - individual calculation,
- orders for "cylindrical surfaces" with a diameter smaller than 620 mm - they are standardized - offer - http://plaszczeblaszane.pl/xplo-plaszcz-ochronny-z-blachy-aluminiowej-rura-pl.html
- ordering protective coats for ventilation ducts, the condition for implementation are scans of the dimensioned sketch in individual ordered elements in.
Techniniai duomenys - savybės
- lapo struktūra:
- gładka
- lapo tipas:
- ocynkowana - węglowa pokrywana cynkiem
- paviršius:
- 1 m²
- spalva:
- srebrny
- taikymo temperatūros diapazonas:
- -30 do +600 ° C
- lakšto storis:
- 0,5 mm